Athens International Airport (AIA) leads the way to a transition to more sustainable practices. During a workshop organized by AIA, travel and tourism stakeholders discussed ways to transition to more sustainable practices as part of the post-Covid-19 “new normal” for air travel.
Titled “Growing Sustainably Together”, the workshop was part of a series of initiatives planned by AIA aimed at engaging stakeholders to further enhance their joint understanding and sustainability-promoting efforts.
Panelists included European Travel Retail Confederation (ETRC) President Jennifer Cords, Deputy Tourism Minister Sofia Zacharaki, Vice President Innovation & Quality Aeroporti di Roma SpA Emanuele Calà, INSETE Research Director Aris Ikkos, Gebr Heinemann Corporate Responsibility Lead Svenja Fischer, Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE) General Manager Maria Gatsou, and other key tourism stakeholders in Greece.